Water bobbing….. as effective as water boarding

Linda and I seem to always make our major life decisions while bobbing in the water…… the past few days have been no exception.  Our current ritual has been to do what we need to do during the day.. than about 4PM we swim under the boat and solve the worlds problems (or a least our little corner of it) until it’s time to eat dinner.  We can always get to the heart of and  issue when we are bobbing around in a pool… or under the boat.  Lately we have decided made the decision to not leave SYL in Florida… but bring her home to Texas.  The short of it is…. Im not sure I could stand it not having my boat to play with… even in water where I can’t see more than 3′ deep.  Also, there are always things that need tinkering with on a boat.  If it’s in Texas…… I can do all that before we leave rather than during the trip.  SYL is in pretty darn good shape overall…. new sails, new motors, etc…. but she does need fresh batteries and a good polish job.

Linda gets under the boat and I tell you what it’s almost as good as water boarding…….. she tells me everything I want to know and ask her about… lol.  Our place has always been “in the water”  wether it was on Berry Road in Beaumont….  or anywhere there is water with a bit of shade around it.

Today I met “BIG FRED”  he’s a major personality here in GT.  Apparently he has a little money because he was buying beer for everybody that walked into the liquor store.  I heard Big Fred about a block before I walked in….. my goal today was to meet the Propane truck that comes on wednesday at 10:30 to fill up a near empty propane tank.  The truck was late and I didn’t have a watch so I walked across the street from the boat ramp (where the truck meets all the cruisers to fill tanks) to a liquor store to check the time… Big Fred had an entourage (friends) he was loudly chastising and praising all at the same time while insisting they all drink beer he paid for.  Anybody that walked in the door was offered a free beer by Fred, and often more than one.  Fred and I bonded immediately.  He loves other people almost as much as himself…. lol.  I was told by one of his compadres that he really is a good man and I believe it.

After my first Kalik (the national beer of the Bahamas) I attempted to turn down a second beer many times…… after my third beer, I feigned  an exaggerated wobble out the door, man hugged my new friend Big Fred and bid the locals goodbye.  Big Fred had called the propane truck and found out he broke down, so he wouldn’t be coming today… not sure when if ever he would (typical island timing) so it was decision time… either stay and get drunk or leave to go back to the boat…….

Linda was happy to see me she  I got back a little after noon.  I brought chinese food!  We have found a new love in GT, there is a chinese restaurant in town.  Linda was pleased as punch I brought 2 take out plates, we ate one for lunch and the second for dinner.  I knew after being gone for hours I better not show up empty handed…. lol.  Linda understands island time.. I knew she knew the truck may never show….. but it was nice to have General Tao chicken with egg fried rice, and Sweet Garlic chicken and rice to share when I got home.

Another good day in GT… g’night

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