We arrived in Nassau from Frazier Hog Cay. It was one of those 80% days. Rusty and I say sailing is a 10%/80%10% proposition. The top 10% is why we sail. The wind is right, the water and waves are right, motors are not required. For me it is the most awesome experience there is, right above (but barely) bobbing under a beached SYL. Now let me note that family and grandkids are another sphere of pleasure. 80% is what sailing is most of the time. Motors required, bumping along not really uncomfortable but not peaceful or quiet. Then there is the remaining 10%. Most of that 10% is extremely uncomfortable, being bounced around, beating into waves, bad weather, you get the picture but at the far end of the bad 10%, YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!
I have to say that Nassau is not one of my favorite stops. But if you need groceries or marine supplies it is where you go. We needed produce and a water pump so we stayed at Nassau Yacht Haven. We got our groceries and supplies, had dinner at the Poop Deck, spent the night and left early for Shroud Cay. We buddy boated with some friends from Texas who highly recommend Shroud Cay. We have been coming to the Exumas almost twenty years but always blew past Shroud on our way South. I must say that Shroud was beautiful, but that is another post.
Sea Yawl Later!!