The sail from Nassau to Shroud was an 80% day. We had to motor sail the entire way because the wind was on our nose. Shroud will always be on our list of must stops. It is sooooo beautiful. Shroud is in the Exuma Land and Sea Park. There is no fishing but there is mooring balls for those who want them and plenty of room to drop anchor, which is what we usually do. I prefer anchoring out. At Shroud I spent two days doing one of my very favorite things which is bobbing under the boat. Our buddy boat friends have been an absolute delight. I have really enjoyed their friendship. Sharing a meal and playing Mexican Train after playing in the water is so much fun. We did not have service and won’t have service as long as we are in the Park so this is being posted from Staniel Cay. Our Wifi works off of Batelco towers.
Sea Yawl Later!!