The crossing took us about 12 hours to get to the Great Bahama Banks which is about 100 miles of relatively shallow water that is absolutely beautiful. It is the aqua color I first think of when I think of the Bahamas. We had left at about 4:30am but we were not particularly tired. We decided to just motor sail until we were tired then we would just drop anchor. It was so peaceful and uneventful I told Rusty to get some sleep and I would watch radar, etc and just go until we didn’t want to go any more. Next thing we know we are seeing the Berry Islands. White Cay is the island Rusty and I spent our Honeymoon on so it is special to us. We dropped anchor for the first time literally on the beach at White Cay. We both jumped in, well I didn’t exactly “jump” but I did get into the water. One of my major concerns was getting down the front ladder……no problem…..One hurdle overcome. The water was a little on the chilly side, BRRRRRR, and it was a little surge but we played around a little. Ultimately it was decided to find another less lively anchorage for the night. It was 36 hours from Florida to White Cay. As Rusty put on FB White Cay has suffered with age. The barrier island that blocked the deep Atlantic Ocean surge has eroded to the point she is not quite as cozy as she was 20 years ago. We have been back since, but hurricanes and time has taken their toll.

We spent the night at the next Cay over, Huffman. We knew a blow was coming so we decided to go to Great Harbour, get checked in and take a slip for the night. The night turned into 3 days. I got all our laundry caught up, had Pizza, visited with folks and headed back to White Cay today!