After two days of travel on SYL Linda insisted on buying new engines. I was having carburetor issues on the port engine. It was stressful but I would have solved it without it becoming a wallet issue, but I didnt get that chance. I had to agree buying new before a big trip makes more sense than buying new after we are done to sell the boat.
As you know if you have been following, we just spent a large sum of money to renovate our house, it was beautiful and perfect — when we sold it. We never enjoyed the fruits of that labor and expense so I agreed with Linda to not do that on the boat. We will cruise for a large portion of the next 3 years on SYL so spendimg that money now to lower the stress level, especially related to propulsion was a no brainer.
We are currently docked next to Shaggys bar / restaurant Pass Christian Mississippi.

I think you made the right call.
The less stress the better!
Looking forward to following along on your trip!
Safe travels!
Hey Leigh,
Couldn’t agree with you more. Everyday it confirms that getting new motors were the right thing. I kind of had to arm twist Rusty but I don’t know how long I will be able to cruise and I want to do anything that will reduce stress and increase enjoyment.
Sea Yawl Later!