
Jono and I have braved the wide ocean, crossed 320 miles of open water from Pensacola to Clearwater Florida.  50 hours not seeing land is all I want though, I’m not an ocean crosser, we just like seeing pretty water in warm places.  I’m no Christopher Columbus discovering new worlds.  I feel like we made it… TODAY we were in shirt sleeves on beautiful emerald green water.  We saw 3 separate groups of dolphin on the passage, the largest group was about 15 strong all trying to jump and run ahead of and between our bows at the same time.  It was truly the best dolphin show I’ve seen on SYL.


Not much broke on this leg of the trip which is always a bonus.  Jono (below) and I work well together solving little issues that popped up.  We arrived better than when we left.  Most of the 300 mile trip was nice, we ran into some medium size waves on our bow on this passage, but nothing like we saw the first two weeks in the Mississippi Sound.


We met up with a boat buddy that has the same boat I have.  Tonight we are docked side by side.  SYL and Jumanji.

I  enjoy riding the bow.. looking out at the water on a calm day.  Peaceful……..  Going to bed now, SYL1458786311896[1]

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